
Find exactly the music you want via online radio stations and download the music to MP3

All the latest hits, all the top artists and bands, any genre of music – you can download it all with Radiotracker!

Expand your music collection

Radiotracker offers you all genres of music on a silver platter and allows you to expand your music collection easily. With access to more than 50,000 online radio stations, Radiotracker will make sure that your music collection is complete. If a song is played on the Internet, then Radiotracker catches it for you!

Largest source of music

Since 2004 Radiotracker has been developed to near perfection, when the job is to find and download music. At present, Radiotracker features access to 50,000 online radio stations, 870,000 unique albums and 10 million unique MP3 songs. Just for that reason Radiotracker is loved by music fans worldwide.

Why is Radiotracker so effective?

Radio Tracker continually includes all new online radio channels in its repertoire. That way no music can escape Radiotracker and user can find exactly the music he / she is looking for.

Separate MP3 audio files

When you use the Radiotracker to find and download music, then you can be sure that each song is stored in a separate MP3 audio file. You need not worry about that unmerging songs or anything else – Radiotracker does it all for you.

The advantage of online radio stations

If you buy music online or via iTunes you will experience that the quality of the music is at 192 kbit/s or 256 kbit/s. It is standard for this kind of music and acceptable to most listeners, just do not turn up the volume too much or you’ll notice the inferior quality.

However, music played via online radio stations are usually streamed in 320 kbit/s (high quality) and therefore it makes good sense to download your music this way. So not only do you get music in better quality – you can also save money by downloading free music from online radio channels instead of buying it via e.g. iTunes.

Is your music collection missing something?

You can instruct Radiotracker to analyze your existing music collection and create a “wish list” from the songs and artists you already have and download them to complete the collection. Radiotracker can also make recommendations for similar artists in the same genre for you to become acquainted with.

Advantages of Radio Tracker

  • Records and downloads individual songs from Internet radio stations to MP3, WMA, and AAC
  • Have access to a database of over 50,000 Internet radio stations
  • Can search for music based on genre, country, artist, and quality
  • Downloading music in high quality, 320 kbit/s
  • Adds ID3 tag for all downloaded music
  • The downloaded music can be converted to MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, FLAC and WAV
  • Can create a “wish list” from your existing music collection